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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Served Chilled

D'jea'know ? , everytime when your friend ........ or dude........or anybody ask you to chill and sayin words like .... ''chill mann'' . You dont really take it easy as in you yourself just chill then. BUT not all doing the same thing , a young lad called ....... duke Daniel ''aHboY'' really take it seriously when comes to ''chill''. ICEd water ? Nah ......... Duke aHboY travel NORTH to seek the REAL CHILL THRILL............

Daniel says : ''thy Magical pillow give me ultimate power to seek direction to chill.........i shall follow thy pillow's direction to the north .'' ''with this Magical pillow , i will rule over this Rural Thundra Plateau Mountain village and i shall call myself........ King .............served chilled , serving suggestion''

Note: Feel free to summit your own Poem based on the picture above~ ( comment box prefered) have fun kids ^^

Aight Mate' signin off

2 shizznitzz:

Adevid said...

ode to pillow

thy soft down surface belies not
the coldness felt whithin
thou art my love and my comfort
my refuge from all sin

thou givest me the warmth i need
especially when i'm chilled
thou art the pillow that i love
my sense didst thou filled.

and though the age shall come to pass
where i will outgrow thee
just remember pillow of mine
for thee my love is divine.

Writer Tom said...

*clap clap*

food fund
