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Friday, March 21, 2008

We're A happy Family

When you just thought that having a SImple Plan latest CD or wearing a Converse sneakers can get you into a punkier Edge? wrong..... think again cause none of it has to do with ''punk'' or what the thing has gone into kids nowadays.......which is Emo , Emotionally happy because I'm here to show ya all some kewl raaaddd apparel that will make passer by or anyone into a stunted situation. Hey Ho let's go!!

( picture : a pair of sneakers )

Yes mannggg... the Converse Sneaker with RAMONES which is the RAMONES edition is like the Asimilation of the band and their favorite sneaker....

what i know these kicks is cost like 69USD.......and comes with a surprisingly clean sole thats says HEY HO and the rest says lets go.......its like ur shoe is saying LETS GO while you're GOING with the shoe and to keep on GOing ..... this adds the DUDINESS factor if you wear the Ramones t-shirt all together....

And this sneakers are part of PRODUCT RED

which means some amount you pay will be go into the Global Fund to Fight against AIDS


0 shizznitzz:

food fund
