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Wednesday, May 7, 2008


tagged by dragonmaster14337  ..... 

1. Prefered web browser?
>>> Safari 3.1.1

2. whats the last thing u do with your bookmarks?
>>> turn on BBC news feed

3. favourite RAM brand

4. have you got any virus before?
>>> yes

5. if yes , what virus is that?
>>> FYI , its naut a virusss its an WORM which is RaVmone.exe and RAVHOST.exe / autorun.ini / Svchost.exe

6. whats your last virtual RAM settings?
>>> 1045 MB @ 703 MB RAM  max

7.  one terrabyte space or 5 ghz processor?
>>> .maybe the 5

8. whats processor are you using?
>>> AMD bitchhhhhhhh haha

9. do you check any programmes @ START UP?
>>> nope

10. how clean is you desktop?
>>> only 8 essential icons

11. if you can only choose a sexy chick and a GTA 4 , which will u choose?
>>> obviously GTA 4 la banggg

12. if a girl hasn't updated her firewall and antivirus database for months and still stubborn to respond to your message , what will you do?
>>> slap her and take her PC away

13. AAC , VBS , FLAC , M4A or Mp3?
>>> VBS!!!

14. If you could turn back time , what will you do? 
>>> get a MAC computer

15. what is your greatest fear?
>>> autorun.ini virus from thumbdrive

0 shizznitzz:

food fund
