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Monday, June 16, 2008



D'jea know?  since i was tagging the previous post below , it reminded me about the modern culture nowadays as you all fellow malaysian and even overseas might get to notice this what is this about....

lets start , WHY MODERN CULTURE IS WACKED? the first thing is to take notice is MUSIC. Myself as true music listener am  dissapointed and disgusted over the music taste of the modern teen of the NOWADAYS so called the urban pop era ( no offence to readers, yeah? ) ..... During back in the 70's and 80's as you all SHOULD KNOW  is the era with the best and the golden age of music...you can see legends such as THE BEATLES , Zeppelin , Pink FLoyd , Jimi hendrix , AC/DC , Grand Funk Railroad , David Bowie , Black Sabbath and much more

FIRST QUESTION to youngsters , '' do they know these bands i have just mentioned? '' ........the answer is yes on the Beatles and a NO on the rest ........maybe because these band is not heard?........WRONG ,  these bands i've stated is EXTREMELY POPULAR AROUND THE WORLD and how come teens nowadays DONT KNOW IT? , exactly

In a ''money bling bling '' and all these shittt and FAKE ROCK , music is not treated as an art  infact music is treated like some sound decoration so you wont feel quiet at your surrounding area.  

Myself in my 19's...still as a teenager  -  i dont give a damn about FRESH HOT MUSIC those youngster that is crazy all about , just when from other people's point of view like example my other teenager friends- FIRST thing they thought that WHY AM I HEARING old  heavy Metal? ....... i was like WTF is wrong with all of you youngsters!!   

The thing is just because i am in a teenager years , they say i should expose with teen stuff...... e.g: clubbing...........  and i was like again........WHAT THE FU*K!!! skrew you and YOUR FRIGGIN CLUB sh*TTT. -------------  do you know that clubbing is the lamest thing you will ever done in your life when the music there is lame and you are humiliating yourself with some unknown dance which you just discovered or copy other people near you. Not just that , the music there just SUCKS..............BAD because of a few points :

1) WTF is the music are they playing? the only beat u hear is thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump ALL THE WAY and you think its the hottest shittt you ever hear in your life

2) the DJ plays the CD...........yes THE CD of cheap  RM10 Remix CD from pasar malam just an hour before his night shift as a DJ

3) Whore Dressing  -  You should know WHO to be looked at for this matter , dont they notice themselves at the first place? or what? attention seekers?

4) Lame rap / hiphop / R&B club   - unless your're REALLY have some experience in this profession , i got no comments , BUT wannabes...................its all around KL 

Its like how come these kind of things actually attracts teens , what is it? because it is fun or what?

some say its to release stress or some free self expression......... but both are just Bullsh*t , releasing stress is going to the movie ALONE and having tea at home in a lazy morning.

Then comes the habit of music listeners nowadays as usual.........im focusing on the teens habit which made me laugh over and over during observations and surveys.  teenagers/young music listeners nowadays ..........have a skrewed up taste of music and i am educating them. lol.....

They just tend to hear radio or mainsteam music television..... AND the music rotating is LIMITED and they just keeps on repeating the same old thing over and over again......and thats how this limits the teens knowledge on music...... which why adults always are laughing at them when comes to music...especially parents...

Observation II -  teens tend to hear SINGLES which means one song  or 3 song from an artist..........just because they say  ........READ CAREFULLY :

'' i only hear these three songs because its the most nicest to hear mahhhh ''

if you ask why not hear the whole album .....

'' yea mah , the rest of the song NOT NICE wan ''

ANOTHER CASE is that :

'' Every artist sure gonna have 1-3 nice songs from an album wan mah ''

so what can you tell by these surveys?

- it shows that these teens got ABSOLUTELY no knowledge and DONT REALLY give a damn about music and although they SAY they ARE a FAN of that particular artist , they are just faking it............YOU CANT BE A FAN OF AN ARTIST JUST BECAUSE YOU JUST HEARD 1-2 SONGS OF IT .

Even myself have these kind of experience of hearing old songs. in matter of fact , i dont like calling it OLD SONGS but ALL TIME BEST.
when i told my friend that i hear music from the 1970's.........he gave me a weird look and was like saying  ''  aiya you how old arhh how come hear grandfathers song........ ''


and i know some of you are just a victim of ignorant

Observation III -  ok if you do a survey about favourite songs at a college and when you the results are returned............. you can actually see that 90% of the student favourite songs are THE SAME................CHINESE POP SONGS

and when comes to ENGLISH songs , 90% are the same with other student ( except subculture ones ) and that 90% are from Radio and MTV..............whats with Madonna and Timbaland and all that  crappy sean kingston music anyways?

As if that their WORLD is only limited with not more than 200 songs  i reckon

to be continued.....

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