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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Turn my love for Music into an Abomination

i just dont understand whats wrong with the music trend and the industry goin on coz most of current mainstream music nowadays are filled with super uber crap that is money mongers and total mind control over teens on this current era . Its not like back in the days where theres good bands with quality songs and albums where in contrast til the year 2000's you can see manufactured ''bands '' or any gay boy band group to give a superior terror into the ipods on the younger generation thus giving a brainwash that those gaybands are COOL and FASHIONABLE . WTF

There is good bands and pioneers and one of the hundreds are my favourite is DEPECHE MODE

their songs are highy more superior than current Crap shittt pop like manufactured bands like Jonas Brothers , felloutboys , lala music , and watever you all singging along these days at MTV//

D'jea know? there are some artist that dont give a damn what is VALUE and what NOT TO TOUCH , especially then dealing with Electronic synthpop music PIONEERS like Depeche Mode

you know whats goin on. FIrstly , i wanna show my fav and one of the most popular song by depeche mode


i got no idea how they give the permission to sample that song , but its like someone trespass your most valued posession....... and destroy it.

1 shizznitzz:

Kauntan said...

damn the HILARY DUFF one is SHYT!

food fund
